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Join our community of like-minded therapists who are passionate about building thriving practices.

You have a successful 1:1 therapy practice, but perhaps you’re wanting more? Welcome!

Welcome to the next exciting chapter of your private practice journey! You've already established a successful 1:1 therapy practice, filled with clients who resonate with your unique approach. But now, you may be wanting more and wondering, "What's next?" Well, you're in the right place to discover just that!

Imagine this: Your practice is not only thriving with your ideal clients, but it also operates seamlessly, thanks to robust and efficient processes. Now, you're poised to expand your practice even further.

Are you thinking about ways to enhance your income, seeking that perfect balance between your professional and personal life? Perhaps you're considering offering clinical supervision, launching your own courses, workshops, group therapy services or unique products. Or maybe, the idea of building an associate practice is starting to spark your interest.

Together, we can help you:

  • significantly Increase your Revenue

  • Achieve the ideal Work-Life Balance

  • Diversify your Income Sources

  • Launch engaging Workshops & Online Courses

  • Streamline Your Operational processes

  • Optimize Your Schedule for maximum efficiency

We understand that you've been contemplating the next steps for your thriving practice for some time. Let us assist you in taking your practice to new heights. Whether it's clinical supervision, creating your own groups, courses, workshops, or initiating an associate practice, our programs are designed to help you scale and diversify your revenue streams.

Our Scale Your Practice 6-Month Live Coaching Program is specially crafted for those who are stepping into the realm of growing their practice beyond one-on-one services. It's a blend of live coaching and education, tailored to support your growth and expansion.

Ready to take this exciting leap? Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the full potential of your practice!

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About 1 year ago I started building my private practice with the support of the BYPP programs. I have to say it’s been one of the most fulfilling career decisions I’ve ever made. Reflecting on the past year, I’m really feeling a lot of appreciation for the coaches and for the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful community of professionals. I felt supported in the weekly meetings during my time in the Scale Your Practice Program and found that using the weekly, monthly, and annual planning worksheets helped me to set reasonable goals. Looking back on the past year, I’ve been able to fulfill over 90% of the annual goals I set early in 2022. Through the coaching and peer support received I was also able decrease the unhelpful pressure I put on myself to succeed and shift that energy into building the kind of business that works for my life. BYPP coaches and peers really understand the balance of helping others while building a successful business and I certainly benefitted from their encouragement and expertise.

Alyssa Koenderink BSc, MACP, RP Owner and Operator of Natural Self Psychotherapy Services

Articles for the Expander

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