Identifying Your Private Practice Stage

The Build Your Private Practice Community has been growing exponentially throughout the last year. With many therapists and service providers making the leap into entrepreneurship, we have seen the need for coaching and mentoring rise.

We are thrilled that this community continues to be a wealth of information for those dreaming of, planning or growing their private practice -- as well as a welcoming and safe place to create connections with fellow practitioners, something that felt desperately needed throughout 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic.

As the BYPP Community continues to evolve, we felt that it was important to keep our members up-to-date on what they can expect from the BYPP Team. We recently spent time interviewing members, polling the community and brainstorming all of the ways we can continue to help you build your ideal private practice.

One of the ways we have identified an opportunity for clarity is through niching our offerings and ensuring that every member of our valued community has access to the resources, education and coaching they need at whatever stage they are in.

Through this process, we have identified 4 stages of private practice and over the next few weeks, we will be sharing more about what that means for you as a member of our community. For now, keep reading for additional information about each stage.

As you read through the descriptions, try to identify where you might fit in and feel free to share your stage with us in the BYPP Facebook Community.

Stage 1: Dreamer

Dreamers are identified as those who have big dreams of having their own private practice in the future but haven’t yet taken steps to get there.

Dreamers may be students or recent graduates, or practitioners who are currently working within a clinical setting.

Dreamers are excited by the possibility of entrepreneurship and building a successful private practice but have not yet started planning. Dreamers are typically at least one year (or more!) away from launching their private practice.

Stage 2: Planner

A BYPP Planner someone who is planning to open their private practice soon and has taken some steps towards launching.

Planners are likely to have thought about the basics of their private practice such as the name, their ideal client, logistics (will you have an office or run a virtual practice), or more.

Planners may have also taken some initial steps such as creating their website and creating social media accounts. Planners are likely to launch their practice within the next 3 to 6 months.

Stage 3: Grower

Growers are individuals who have already opened their private practice (regardless of how long it’s been open) and likely have some clients.

Growers have typically identified that their practice could be running more smoothly and are also looking to attract more of the right clients.

Growers may be looking to refine their marketing strategies, develop effective operational processes and truly step into the role of an entrepreneur.

Stage 4: Expander

BYPP Expanders are private practitioners who have a full practice (with the right clients) that runs smoothly, with strong and effective operational processes.

Expanders are those looking for ways to diversify their revenue streams by launching courses, workshops, products and more. Expanders may also have their sights set on building an associate practice.

Tips for Accurately Identifying Your Stage

  • Consider what your situation looks like currently and select the stage that accurately represents that rather than your goal stage.

  • If you feel you are a combination of stages, look to determine if your situation checks all of the boxes outlined above

  • Many Growers may also identify as Expanders. There is an important business philosophy that (paraphrased) states: Before you go wide, go deep. This means that establishing a well-running practice that consists of your ideal client is a key step to accomplish before looking to expand (or widen) your business offerings.

Have you identified your BYPP stage? We would love to hear more about your experience so far and how you decided on your stage. Head over to the BYPP Facebook Community and let us know!