Do You Need Support With Your Business?

Are you nervous about launching your own practice?

Struggling to fill it with the right clients?

Wondering how to diversify and move beyond 1:1 work?


If You’re ready to reach The Next Level Of Success in your business…

You’ve come to the right place!

Whether you’re getting ready to open your doors, looking for more clients, or ready to expand… our Private Practice Academy will teach you how to launch successfully, fill your practice with the right clients or diversify your income streams.

We’ve taught thousands of Canadian therapists, just like you, how launch & grow their business with ease so they can experience the confidence, freedom and flexibility they’ve longed for.

It is possible to serve your clients in a heart-centered way… and also run a successful business that supports you, your family and your lifestyle.

We can’t wait to show you how!


Private Practice Academy

We offer 3 programs for each stage of private practice. Choose the one that’s right for you to learn more!


Designed for Canadian therapists or therapists-in-training who want step-by-step instructions and on-demand support so they can successfully launch their private practice!


Designed for Canadian therapists in private practice who need marketing support so they can get more clients and practical strategies to run their business with ease and confidence!


Designed for Canadian therapists who are running a successful private practice and want to diversify their offerings through groups, workshops, courses, or an associate practice!